
a day late and a dollar short.

found this on craigslist today and they only wanted 400 buckoreenos for it. I called and it had already been swooped. I always miss the gems on the list.

at least I found a sweet new thai restaruant to ease my worried mind



these guys'.........

are hilarious, make radical videos, and don't give a shit..,, and they always shred when they come to visit. duh dork




Services for Gunther and Sean
Date: Friday, July 24, 2009

Event: Church Service
Gunther Frank and Sean Mansfield
Place: Sacred Heart Church
1110 14th Street
Bellingham, WA
Time: Noon

Event: Memorial Service and Reception
Sean Mansfield and Gunther Frank
Place: Deming Log Show Grounds
3295 Cedarville Road
Bellingham, WA
Time: 4:00 pm

Overnight camping and RV space available at the Log Show Grounds

Date: July 25, 2009
Event: Church Service for Gunther Fran
Place: St Augustine Catholic Chrurch
185 North Oak Harobor Street
Oak Harbor, WA
Time: 10:30am



famous people........

and the one girl from the HBO show about pilagamists. Big Love, i think. I guesse a guy named mark gonsalazar directed this video. I like it. super ate forever.





there is a ......

skate jam for donnkie and gunthur on the 19th of this month. we had our own a couple days after they...... heres a teaser. i was to busy skating to capture how rad it was. whatever.


4 all the late night.......




sunflower update......


yeah sun!


smoke crack?

my friend jaime was up here the last few days. We had a rad time, always good to see old friends. We skated, camped out, and I got stalked my a couger (the cat variety), which is a whole nother post for a different time. One night he showed my this from one of his buddies blogs. Real talk baby.......
