
the digital drawer #4

b.j. straight.  Fruntside feeble at dusk.  Milton, Wa., July 2008.


the digital drawer #3

sumtimes, quarterpips without decks will make you pay, as i can attest in this photo.  Bellinghamk, Wa. Feb, 2009.



its perfect for the family........

reason #41 why Orcas Island is one of the greatest places to be.............

Brooks and his son Levi.

like i said.  perfect for all ages.  brooks, luke, levi, brooklyn and josie enjoy the park on orcas.  good times.

congratulations to luke and francis, who got married at obstruction pass on monday, july 25th.  many years of happiness to the two of you..  hope to see you sooner than later.



the digital drawer #2

cam barrett.  pallet town u.s.a.  2009.


usurper skateboards..........

a friend of mine, jaime weller has a skateboard company goin and it's called USURPER.  Jaime seems to no whats up and those are the type of people best suited for creating skateboarding endevours.  the homie peter, from a post or two ago is aboard as well as Cam and sum other underground-ish types (always the best).  Keep and eye out for these dirts and if you come across any of these fellas, buy em a beer-o.  usurper has a blog.

along those lines check out this thrasher edit of sum skating up the westcoast with a couple clips of jaime and peter.  did i mention those two are responsible for the building of that concrete wunderland called Windells?.............. can't believe i haven't been there still.

pete and jaime.

support the underdog



got back from orcas island...............

today.................. dayummmmm.  Anyways, heres sum pics from me and ryans trip up to da blu poo a couple weeks ago.

apparently sewage is sprouting from the drain from poor plumbing/backage.

ryan williams, backside ollie

shallow end grind.

had the remote for my vid cam goin this day.  multitasking at its finest

good ol' Larry was on flash protection patrol.  thanks buddy.

ryan, five oh over da stairs.

I went to the store and picked up sum weirners in celebration of the fun times.  Ryan kept it safe from the sewage with a zip lock baggy/germ barrier for his dog.  obviously stoked.

excited to go back soon as we got sum fellas were takin out der.  hopefully no logs will be a floatin.



i have a 12:30 boat to catch tommorow.......


the best.  always a bunch of heads from all over the werld, comin together to have a rad time.

mike zinc!

every time.

all these photos are from a trip a couple years ago.  first ones i stumbled across of the many many trips iv'e taken there.  hopefully i'll come back with sum news........hopefully.



the digital drawer #1

just stumbled across these pics.  They are from a trip ryan williams, peter gunn, zakima and i took to bainbridge island back in 2007.  If you have skated with peter then you know.

backside at bainbridge island.

ryan williams



3 sessions one cup!

heres a CLIP OF THE DAY with dale the 'squirrel master' as well as sum bonar footage from three different sessions over the last week.  the pool, that one ramp, and the bellingham park, where we took my slappy curb re-upping the hype of the park session back to 4.

thanks again to the homies for lettin me point my cameras at em.  Didn't really film much at the pool, but i did shoot a handful of pics which i'll post soon even though i said i'd post em like a week ago.


walter the inch worm........

todays visitor to the garden.

workin on a edit as we speak.


Matt French........

woulda bonless-oned this bad beast.  it's hard to take this seriously...... is it for real?



in the big city.  Joe Brook (of thrasher and slap) photo show at Goods!!!!



pizza in the city.......


its summertime..........

well kinda..........  More reason to hit the road.  Spots lie everywhere you least expect.

(photos:  patrick o'dell. epiclylaterd)

go find them.



cam barrett........

the tortillas favorite son.



has always been such an intriuging place to me.  Not sure why put i get a weird chill down my spine viewing the place and it's culture just on film.  Probably need to get there.  Feelin this edit.



new post tommorow.......

gee whiz kid.  where could this be?  been there.  it was nice..........and thats where the post takes place.

more exciting newz, but that will have to wait as well.  by the way.  heard Cam B. is in Seattle with Jaime W.  go find them.  go skate with them.  good night.



film is the best.........

its why i love photography.  Don't get me wrong.  Digital is a great tool, has it's place and has helped me learn a lot.  but unfortunately the werld is now oversaturated with digital photographers and thats where it gets it's bad rap from the purists.  Regardless of your stance,  film is why i love shooting and why i fell in love with taking photographs in the first place.  Here is a small sampling of completely random film and print scans i picked of my hardrive.  Photos taken with my Canon AE-1, Bronica SQ-A, Mamiya RB-67 and a canonette Ql-111 rangefinder.  more to come soon.

Winthrop, Wa. 2010.

West Linn, Or. 2006

aboard the Klickitat ferry in route to Port Townsend, Wa.  Ryan Williams and Leon Fire.  2006

Bellingham, Wa. 2010

Bellingham, Wa.  Dirt jumps.  Cam Barrett, 2005.

Self portrait.  2004.

Squalicum bay, Wa. 2010.

Oregon coast.  2010.

Port Townsend, Wa.  Adrian and The Heavy Metal Warrior.  2005.

Bellingham, Wa.  Scotty Sorenson. 2009.

more soon......



jonathan livingston........

i know gopros have there uses.  Personally, however i generally don't like the footage i see from them.  Maybe it's because everyone is using them and in general, not to there full creative abilities they can bestow.  I'd love to get my hands on one as I have all sorts of ideas of what one could do but until then......  This gopro video on the otherhand is a refreshing clip in a oversaturated sea of media coming from these little cameras.  Maybe the fact that a human wasn't wielding the device has to do with it.


more from the digital dust drawer..........

a year and a half ago or so at marginal way.

i think i posted a link to this photo.  anyways it took a little cohearsing, but i got ol jihad to hop the bar across from the park.  TheSkateboardMag posted this on their website.  Always rad gettin the crew sum coverage from our little neck.

more photos soon.  i got ten rollz of film to go pick up tommorow.  So after hours of scanning, i'll have a offering.  Not only is film the best, but the excitement of whats to come.........i can't even remember whats on the rolls.  christmas every time.
